Autumn Week 10: Winter's here
This week's photography club theme was: Winter's here
Mr Lax's special mentions:
Such great photos this week. Thank you, all!
In Bella's photo of a snowy road, the lovely composition of the curvy path accentuates the depth of the picture leading to the cool misty forest, which comes in contrast with the warmer colours of the houses and red tones in the foreground.
In Georgia's image, the icy theme of snowflakes brings out warmth due to their vibrant beaming yellow colours. At the same time, the slight blur contributes to the feeling of a soft movement.
In Lottie's photo, the usually warm smooth feeling of a cup of cocoa comes in contrast with its very textured-looking froth. It almost looks like a snow-covered mountain that the hiker had to endure before finally being rewarded with a drink.
In Mary's picture, the stillness of the fog is combined with the permanence of the cold and creates a feeling of emptiness, whilst the figure walks vigorously in red trousers brings life to this otherwise lonely and cold scene.
In May's (Y9) picture the nighttime frost gently melts away by the warm touch of the morning sun. A brilliant contrast of cool tones in the foreground and warmer colours in the background in this serene composition.

Bella G, Year 10

Georgia S, Year 7

Lottie S, Year 7

Mary T, Year 7

May S, Year 9
Some more amazing photos:

Georgia S, Year 7

Mary T, Year 7

Bella G, Year 10

May S, Year 9

May S, Year 9

May S, Year 9

Grace T, Year 8

Lottie S, Year 7

Grace T, Year 8

Lucy L, Year 9

Aimee M, Year 7

Lucy L, Year 9

Grace T, Year 8

Georgia S, Year 7

Aimee M, Year 7

Avani D, Year 8

Avani D, Year 8

Avani D, Year 8

Avani D, Year 8