Autumn Week 6: Bonfire Night
This week's photography club theme was:
Mr Lax's special mentions:
Bonfire Night is a photographer's playground as the moving lights make for great pictures. Long exposures have helped Lucy to 'paint with light', resulting in some really original and creative shots. Meanwhile, Georgia has had fun freezing the movement of fireworks, which contain some really nice smoke effects to add atmosphere. Helena's sparkler shots have beautiful shapes to them and Bella's fire pictures are simply mesmerising. Well done everyone!

Lucy L, Year 9

Georgia S, Year 7

Helena G, Year 8

Bella G, Year 10
Some more amazing photos:

Bella G, Year 10

Helena G, Year 8

Georgia S, Year 7

Helena G, Year 8

Bella G, Year 10

Lucy L, Year 9

Georgia S, Year 7