Autumn Week 9: Symmetry
This week's photography club theme was: Symmetry
Mr Lax's special mentions:
Thank you for the great photo submissions this week. It's amazing how placing a limitation on your photography, such as 'symmetry' can actually boost your creativity. I really like the shots below. Kitty's mirror image makes spooky shapes in the sky. Lottie has enjoyed looking for symmetry in architecture, both inside and out. Phoebe has arranged objects and hands to create symmetry, whereas Poppy has found symmetry in boldly coloured beach huts. May's sunset behind parallel rows of trees makes really interesting shapes in the silhouettes. In many of these, it's great to see how some of the best 'symmetry photography' has elements of asymmetry within it.

Kitty B, Year 8

Lottie S, Year 7

Georgia S, Year 7

Lottie S, Year 7

Phoebe C, Year 8

Phoebe C, Year 8

Poppy D, Year 9

Georgia S, Year 7