Spring Week 2: Opposites
This week's photography club theme was: Opposites
Mr Lax's special mentions:
'Opposites' is a theme that seems really straight forward at first glance, but as demonstrated by this week's entries it can be interpreted in infinite ways. I really like Isla and Aimee's use of colour to show opposites, Georgina's dramatically lit figures and Poppy's trees from different seasons. They really stood out to me with different things about them appealing to me. Great work, everybody!

Isla M, Year 8

Aimee M, Year 7

Georgina B, Year 12

Poppy D, Year 9
Some more amazing images:

Aimee M, Year 7

Aimee M, Year 7

Avani D, Year 8

Avani D, Year 8

Georgina B, Year 12

Sophie C, Year 10

Sophie C, Year 10

Sophie C, Year 10